Student Loans and Your Credit Score

Student Loans and Your Credit Score

Student Loans and Your Credit Score With total student loan debt reaching a staggering $1.56 trillion in 2020, one can’t help but wonder how it affects individual credit scores. Like other types of installment loans, student loans have direct ties to the credit score....
How Medical Bills Become Collections

How Medical Bills Become Collections

How Medical Bills Become Collections During rough times, you naturally don’t put too much thought into what medical debt does to your credit scores. Unpaid medical debt can lead to collections and damage to your credit. Your financial health is also important, so as...
Bad Credit VS Lack of Credit

Bad Credit VS Lack of Credit

Bad Credit VS Lack of Credit Having bad credit is one thing, but completely lacking it is a different story altogether. However, their effect on your financial well-being is quite similar. Do you know what the difference between bad credit vs. lack of credit is? If...
How to Improve Your Ratio with Credit Utilization Tips

How to Improve Your Ratio with Credit Utilization Tips

How to Improve Your Ratio with Credit Utilization Tips Credit utilization ratio is a key factor in determining your credit score. Credit cards get a bad rep, and often with good reason. It is very easy to make many smaller purchases and end up racking unexpected debt....
Credit Inquiries

Credit Inquiries

Types of Inquiries A financial institution may require your credit report information for a variety of reasons. To get it, the institution launches a credit inquiry and requests the necessary credit data from one of the three major credit bureaus – Experian,...
Credit Score and Credit Limits

Credit Score and Credit Limits

Credit Score and Credit Limits There’s been much debate about the relationship between the credit score and credit limits of your account. Naturally, consumers would love to know what their credit limits are going to be ahead of time. It gives you more insight into...